The following article is one of a series of articles which focus on Self Improvement, Motivation and Empowerment. It is based on research done over twenty years as a personal and business coach. This self improvement article was written in response to questions which have been asked on exercising, keeping fit, losing weight and long term weight loss as well as address common challenges that people have with this subject. I sincerely hope that you find the following information of value.
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Weight Loss - Why An Holistic Approach To Weight Loss Is Best
People have problem areas. Even people, who have achieved their ideal body weight, will still have problem areas. I know I'm one of them - at 57 it's my "love handles". With others it could be flabby arms, sagging skin or the hips. Then you will find the market is offering all sorts of products, from creams and applications to get rid of the fats to gadgets and machines to tone the arms, thighs or the legs.
However, we all have to face the hard truth. You cannot spot reduce. The attempt to do so is not going to work and it could be detrimental to your resolve and well being
O.K. Then, Why Can't I Spot Reduce?
The diet and weight loss markets continue to misinform the public of the benefits that can be expected from their so-called revolutionary products when in fact there really are no revolutionary or "miracle" results to look forward to.
Maintaining A Healthy Diet Is Important
Diet is an important element to get rid of the undesirable body fats. The foods that you eat have calories and cholesterols that get stored in your body, probably amassing on those problem areas of yours. Our diet is, by and large, the main reason for the presence of body fats.
So no matter how much you depend on those gadgets or miracle potions on offer in the marketplace, it will remain a lost cause if you keep indulging in sugars, fatty foods and junk foods.
Spot Reduction Is Nothing More Than A Myth
Having spent over 20 years in personal development and self improvement, I have learned that the most effective and productive attitude is to look at our personal challenges holistically.
It is not healthy to believe what certain marketers say about the productivity of spot reduction efforts. The products you see on the market require nothing but merely attaching or applying them to the problem areas. What about your other body parts?
What about the other requirements of the whole body?
In any healthy endeavors, you must be on the top of your physiology. You should know what it takes to achieve a goal. For example, if you want the infamous six-pack in your stomach, you have to know what it takes to get them.
Some people out there would claim that if you want to improve the look of your stomach, you simply have to concentrate on abdominal exercises or use the gadgets that will do the exercise for you. Again, you cannot spot reduce.
Yes, abdominal exercises work - I do them every day but I also know that I will never maintain a six pack with simply doing that one abdominal exercise.
Genetics has to do with it.
Diet has to do with it.
Lifestyle has to do with it.
The truth is, before we can even aim for the six-pack on the stomach, we have to take away the fats first.
Your body will not burn the fats stored in that spot you are targeting. More complete body workouts can actually address this. With this, the fats are burned one at a time, and not just in one area. In taking this more integrated approach of reducing the fats in the body, we will see a much more effective and longer lasting result.
Then you will also have to gain body mass. At this point, the only way you can only get rid of the fats and get some body mass is to have a healthy diet and do cardio exercises.
Only after surpassing the diet and cardio requirements can you focus on the abdominal exercises. This is the only proper time to really focus on working out for that six-pack.
There Are No And Never Will Be Shortcuts
Miracle diets, pills and potions are mere shortcuts that will lead you to disappointment. If a healthy body is your long term goal, you have to work for it. You have to earn it.
We may be living in an era that just seems to get faster and faster - technology, transport for example but our bodies still follow the same natural ways. So, we still need to understand and get the basics right in what is naturally required by the body - healthy diet, regular exercise and a considerable amount of time and effort to develop that desired outcome.
Ongoing and Long Term Health and Fitness Require Commitment
Your dedication to the health of your body is a lifelong commitment. Even if you achieved a good body now, it will not remain so forever if you abuse on your diet and lifestyle. It needs to be loved and taken care of, regularly.
That is why if you depend on the spot reduction claims, it will really get you nowhere.
Worse, it will lead to disappointment. Much worse, you may just give up completely.
Never give up. If your goal is a fit and healthy body; get an exercise program for your self and make some changes in your diet. Give your self an holistic development. Improve not only the body, but your outlook in life as well.
Do It the Proper Way
Finding sensible, safe and long term methods of weight loss and weight maintenance takes a lot of research which we have done and continue to do so that we can provide these informative and motivational articles to help you move forward and realize your personal goals and aspirations even if you have been overweight or out of shape for years
Why struggle with losing weight when all the weight loss research has already been done for you?
What do you really have to lose by paying us a visit? You've got it - All that excess weight you want rid off.
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