If I ask you know how much weight you want to lose, can you tell me?
Or are you going to say "Some weight", which is what most dieters will say.
Ok, so when are you going to have that weight gone by?
If like most people you will answer "some time" or not have a definitive date.
So when is this some time? And what on earth is this some weight huh? Do you know? I bet you don't. And if you don't know, how are you ever going to know if you've got there and got rid of the weight?
Having worked with hundreds of weight loss clients in my clinical hypnosis practice, I quickly discovered that people with specific weight loss goals were the people who succeeded with the least amount of struggling.
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How much weight do you want to lose? Think about it right now and write it down somewhere if necessary. Get an exact figure in your mind. Remember that some weight is a completely useless goal, as is a few pounds, a few stone, a few kilograms. The figure has to be precise. Know exactly what your target weight is and subtract it from your current weight. Then you know exactly how much you need to get rid of.
Once you know how much weight you want to lose, your next step is to work out when you want to lose the weight by.
This is another place where dieters make a simple mistake. They don't have a target date for achieving their weight loss goals, or if they do the dates are so unrealistic the only way to achieve them is through losing a limb!
Next decide exactly when you want to lose this weight by. What date (and some rough date is NOT good enough) do you want to be your target weight? Set a precise date like 31st December 2007.
Now you have your target date for being your ideal weight and how much weight you want to have got rid of by then. Work out how many months and weeks are between now and your target date. Then calculate how much weight you need to lose each week and month.
For example, if you have 6 months between now and your target date and have 30 pounds to lose in that time, it works out as losing 5 pounds a month, or a little over a pound a week, which is entirely achievable.
In summary:
1) Determine how much weight you want to lose / what your target weight is
2) Decide when you want to have got rid of this weight, i.e. your target date (and made sure it is feasible)
3) Divide up the weight by the time to get how much weight to lose each week and month
Following these 3 D's will ensure that you achieve your weight loss goals.
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