Todays market is saturated with hundreds of weight loss products that promise you quick weight loss without a change in your diet. These programs and products are ineffective and have huge promises with no back up material to support them. Thus thousands of people are spending thousands of dollars on products that may never help them. The weight loss market is a multi-billion-dollar market in the United States. New products are put on the market each and every day without any support or control and people purchase them.
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There are many effective and safe diets and diet products on the market today which have sufficient backup and testing to show they are working and safe. There are many myths and falsehoods in the diet market today. Let's look at some of these.
1. If I eat less I will lose more weight. False. If you significantly decrease the intake of nutrients into your body it will go into a starvation mode. In the starvation mode your body begins to conserve fat and calories so it can survive a long period without intake. It will begin consuming the muscle mass you have and thus you will still have the fat when you are finished with the diet.
2. Your diet must be strict and harsh to work. False. You can lose weight by eating well if you watch what you eat. You need not starve yourself nor eat a lot of strange foods. You need to watch your portions and your calorie intake. There are many foods such as fruits and vegetables which are lower in calories and can actually help you lose weight. If your diet is extreme you will more than likely not stick with it and then it will be of no avail to you. So try to use sensible diet and exercise to lose weight. This keeps your metabolism up and you will get better results.
3. You can continue to eat whatever you want and lose weight. False. You are not losing weight now eating what you want so why would you think you could continue this and lose weight? Weight loss requires changes in your lifestyle. You must increase your exercise and decrease your calorie intake. I am not talking about a backbreaking weight workout at the gym. Get off the couch and go for a walk. Walking is one of the most effective exercises for losing weight. It also gets you out of the house into the fresh air.
So as you start trying to lose weight you should really look at the facts and try to find a diet or supplement that has substantiated proof that it works. Talk to someone who has used it successfully and use your common sense. You can lose weigh and do it safely and efficiently if you work at it.
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