Everyone in our society today wants everything fast. Fast food, fast shopping, get in quickly and get to our next scheduled event. That may be taking the kids to practice, to their friend's house, to the library to study, or just getting ourselves home from work. Our society has become a very fast-paced and an immediate reward oriented place to live. We no longer have the patience nor the time to accept life and a slow pace.
Those of us who need to lose weight want to do so immediately. Let us look at how we gain the weight. It was over a long period of time with a lot of food intake, poor health habits, and lack of exercise. So how can we expect to lose the weight immediately. If we lose the weight quickly is it good for us? The answer that question is probably not.
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As we diet and lose weight quickly with a low calorie count our body consumes itself. An example would be Sally has decided to lose weight. She decided to do it quickly by reducing her calorie count to 800 cal per day. The diet worked by giving her quick weight loss however the weight she loses will be 60% lean body mass. What this means is that she may well gain the weight back rapidly. You ask why? Lean body mass or muscle uses roughly 70 cal per pound while fat uses approximately 10 cal per pound. When you lose weight rapidly approximately 60% of the weight is lean body mass. So when Sally loses 10 pounds roughly 6 pounds is lean body mass which means when she resumes her normal diet she will need 420 cal less than she did previously.
Since it takes 3500 cal to gain 1 pound if Sally resumes her previous diet she will game 1 pound of weight every eight days. So her quick weight loss is soon destroyed by her previous eating habits even though that was her previous weight maintenance diet.
Instead losing weight rapidly we should be patient and lose weight over a period of time by reducing calories and increasing exercise. Increase in exercise will increase our lean body mass and in turn will increase her calorie consumption. This will help us attain and maintain our goal weight more easily and more safely.
Remember you did not gain the weight rapidly nor should you lose it rapidly. As I've shown above rapid weight loss may only lead to a new increase in weight back to your previous weight or greater weight. This only defeats us in attempting to attain our goal of a healthy and maintainable weight-loss.
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