'The Ultimate Weight Loss Solution' by Dr. Phil McGraw has taken the diet and nutrition world by storm. His common-sense, straight-shooting approach has proven to be highly effective in the raging weight and obesity wars. If you examine and follow the seven keys to healthy nutrition he writes about in 'The Ultimate Weight Loss Solution', you are virtually guaranteed slimming success. This is especially true if you manage to stop your rampant sugar addiction in its tracks.
Imagine this: By just cutting out a 12 ounce sweetened soda fountain serving per day, 15 pounds of bumps and blubber will miraculously melt away every year! This will occur regardless of other dietary adaptations you make, or exercise programs you undertake. That single small, but vital step, will lighten your load significantly.
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In fact, the benefit of ditching soda cans may be even more pronounced, as many servings these days come in humongous 20 ounce or even frightful 42 ounce containers. This translates into between 10 teaspoons and a massive 35 teaspoons of sugar guzzled down in a matter of minutes. Multiply that by 365 days per year, and you are looking at more than 250 cups of sugar! That is one scary statistic!
The worst aspect of soda sluicing is that it happens mindlessly within a few seconds. There is no chewing and no satiating bulk. It is pure sugar swallowed without even a moment's thought. Many kids grow up on this stuff. They are never taught about the ingredients and their possible detrimental effects on their health and weight management efforts. Parents set the example by opting for these sugar seductions at every opportunity.
These chemically laden beverages also have the potential to rob a robust body of its health-giving nutrients. In addition, the caffeine and sugar are likely to contribute to a sluggish digestive system. But wait, there's more, as they say in infomercials...
Soda pop creates a highly acidic environment in the body, which can become a breeding ground for all kinds of nasty ailments. A daily soda habit throws the body's PH levels, so vital for wellbeing, completely out of whack. Soda sipping is also lethal to your teeth's enamel and may lead to cavities.
Replacing sugar-laden sodas with diet soda are not the ultimate weight loss solution either. There are heated debates about the long-term health repercussions of downing large amounts of sugar replacement products. One of the safest artificial sweeteners seems to be Xylitol. Opt for this if possible, but limit your intake.
Don't just attempt to drop the soda habit. A habit change is far more sustainable if you can replace it with a workable healthy alternative. Here are some ideas you can incorporate into your diet and nutrition plan:
Ultimate Weight Loss Solution Beverage Tips
1. Water: How about starting off with a far out idea. Have you ever thought about drinking plain old water when you are thirsty? If you taste water only when you brush your teeth, your body is in serious jeopardy. There is a real possibility that you are dehydrated. This affects every aspect of your body's functioning. Drinking water truly is the ultimate weight loss solution tip. It is filling, calorie-free and provide the lubrication your body needs for optimal functioning.
By replacing soda with water, you will rehydrate your body, cut out sugar, probably even cut down on dental bills, and preserve nutrients. It is easy to add a touch of lemon for extra taste. If you need to, invest in quality water filter purification equipment to ensure better tasting and safer water.
2. Juicing For Health: Another ultimate weight loss solution tip is to invest in a quality vegetable juicer such as the Breville Juice Fountain or a Jack Lalanne Power Juicer. Your family will soon enjoy juicing to drop extra pounds, and to increase health and general wellbeing.
Fresh vegetable juice is nature's intravenous feeding - and that without the ouch of a needle stick. Your family will relish the nutrient-rich juice. Their bodies will assimilate all the vitamins, minerals and enzymes immediately and with great ease, as fresh juice is in a sense predigested food.
Even the kids will join in with enthusiasm. They love the colorful juicing concoctions and will come up with all sorts of (often fairly disgusting!) names for the cocktails. Vegetable juice acts as a natural appetite suppressant, comes at a low calorie cost and is fat free.
Another substantial benefit is that vegetable juice helps to restore the PH of your body, rectifying the high acidity levels.
3. Herbal Tea: Experiment with fragrant, fresh, healthy caffeine free herbal teas.
4. Iced Tea: A variety of delicious flavored sugar-free iced teas are on the market these days. Be adventurous and give them a try. Just remember that canned iced tea may also damage your teeth's enamel. Always read labels to ensure that you know what your are purchasing.
Don't just look for a weight loss pill to pop or another Kevin Trudeau weight loss cure. Take responsibility for your health and make a commitment to kick the soda sugar habit for good. Your body will love you for it, and you will see the gratifying results in the mirror. Add juicing to your ultimate weight loss solution tips and thrive!
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