Question? Did your weight loss program fail you again?
Don't you just hate it when that happens? Let me ask you why the weight loss program didn't get you out of bed this mourning for that workout you needed. Then after you got out of bed why didn't that weight loss program stop you from eating that box of donuts with a large glass of Extra Rich Chocolate milk.
Now that you had you mourning snacks. You drive down to your local greasy spoon for Breakfast. Here again why didn't that weight loss program stop you, from ordering that double stack of pancakes with Extra butter and lots of syrup, a double side order of bacon, and that large glass of Extra Rich Chocolate milk to wash it down. I don't know about you, but it seems to me that weight loss program has failure you twice it still the mourning hour.
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Here we are at the lunch hour. That damn weight loss program fails to stop us from having a few snacks. Maybe I should take a short walk before lunch, but those snacks are wearing off. No I better eat I am feeling weak. Come on weight loss program stop me from ordering that Triple Decker with double cheese and bacon. Oh yeah, Go BIG. Damn weight loss program.
OK dinner we will do better than breakfast and lunch, Right? Again that weight loss program didn't stop me from having a few more snacks after lunch. A healthy dinner will make up for the whole day. Let see my dinner will be a healthy salad with lots of creamy thick dressing. For the main course a healthy 12 oz steak smother in butter soak mushrooms, and baked potato with lots of butter and sour cream. I'll be good and have no dessert.
I know a short walk or workout would do me good, but it is getting close to my TV shows. Why didn't that weight loss program stop me from having those snacks while watching my shows?
OK let's see how well we did for the day with that weight loss program. Jumping on the scales. :) Oh No! Gain 10 pounds that damn weight loss program fail me again.
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