What exactly is a bariatric weight loss center and how effective is it? How do you know if you should consult a bariatric doctor? These are just some of the questions we will attempt to answer in this short guide to bariatric weight loss centers.
Introduction to bariatrics
Bariatrics is actually a combination of two Greek words - baro which means weight, and -iatrics (a suffix indicating that something is a branch of medicine). Bariatrics is therefore a Bariatrics is a branch of medicine dealing with treatment and prevention of obesity, which is one of the causes of many other diseases such as diabetes (Type 2), sleep apnea, hypertension, joint pain, and also depression.
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Who should go to a bariatric weight loss center?
People who go to a bariatric weight loss center are often advised by their doctors to do so, either because they are already obese or are showing signs of becoming obese. Patients are given a complete program (sometimes including surgery) to help them take charge of their weight, lead a more active lifestyle, and make over their health.
Is going to a bariatric weight loss center better than going on a diet by myself?
It depends. If your BMI is over 30 and your wait to hip ratio confirms your central obesity, then you are obese and will probably be better off with a bariatric weight loss center, where you can get full medical support not available in regular gyms and impossible to achieve through in self-dieting.
Do not risk falling into potentially deadly "crash" diet techniques and self-medication - while you may achieve temporary weight loss, you might also suffer grave medical consequences and nutritional deficiencies. These diets are also short-term - without the help of a real fitness and health program implemented in a bariatric weight loss center, you will probably gain weight back.
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