If you're looking for a weight loss product that is natural and inexpensive, try drinking green tea everyday. Green tea is one of the best drinks out there for weight loss.
The secret lies in the green tea's ingredients. Green tea comes from the Camellia Sinensis plant and contains a crystalline substance called catechin. It is derived from Catechu which is also used for dyeing and tanning. Catechins induce weight loss by stimulating your body to burn calories and minimize body fat. Another component of green tea that helps promote weight loss is Epigallocatechin gallate or EGCG. Together with catechin, EGCG can increase one's metabolism, prevent fat storage, regulate glucose usage, prevent fat storage and regulate glucose usage. In short, green tea may be the best drink for inducing weight loss. It can also prevent diseases such as cancer, hypertension, etc.
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Experts recommend drinking 2-3 cups of green tea daily. Of course, you have to combine green tea with proper exercise and a balanced diet to speed up your weight loss.
There are many green tea variants that are available now in the market but what is the best green tea for weight loss? In choosing the best green tea for weight loss, choose one that has a high catechin content, is easy to prepare and inexpensive. The Japanese green teas Uji Midori Matcha and Shizuoka Organic Powdered Sencha are good picks. Also, choose green tea that is picked from early spring. These type are still young; just merely tea buds and barely opened shoots. They have the best qualities for they contain the most EGCG, which is very helpful if you're trying to lose weight fast. They are also tasty compared to those green teas found in groceries and supermarkets which would require some additional honey, lemon or sugar to taste great. These young variety is tasty on their own and also contain the least amount of pollutants.
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