Are you trying to lose weight but failing?
How about a couple of free weight loss tip that require very little thought...as a matter of fact, you don't have to do much at all in order to implement them. There are no programs to follow, or diets to follow. Just follow these simple steps that will help you to lose weight each day.
The first thing you need to do in order to be successful with anything in life is get in the right mind set. If you are trying to balance your budget for example, you tell yourself that you are going to create a realistic budget and stick with it. The same is for weight loss. You are going to create a weight loss plan and stick with it.
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Stay positive. This is vitally important. Once you begin a plan for losing weight you must absolutely stay focused. Temptation is at every corner so keep reminding yourself of what you are trying to accomplish....weight loss! This might mean hanging up a pair of pants that you want to fit into in 6 weeks in your bedroom. Keep some kind of motivation in front of you.
Make a realistic goal. Just like anything you do, goals are important. If you say you are just going to lose weight, then that is a very broad goal. Instead, make a goal to lose 5 lbs in the next 5 weeks. Then from there you can make a smaller goal to lose about a 1lb or more per week. Little goals will add up to one big goal in the end. Unrealistic goals will leave you defeated and unmotivated to continue once you realize how unattainable they are.
Make a plan. Now you are ready to achieve your goal of weight loss. You have got the right mind set and you have a goal in mind. Now, how are you going to get there? This is critical. You must have a plan. A plan is going to get you from your starting point to the ending point-lose 5lbs in 5 weeks!
Have a way to measure your progress. This is also key to your success. If you don't keep track of your results from one week to the next, you could easily lose motivation because you don't "see" the results. How excited you will be if you weigh yourself in week three and have lost 3 lbs? Will you be more motivated to lose those next 2 lbs? Of course you will.
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