Sometimes self-motivation is not enough to lose weight, you need an external force to keep you on your weight loss program. One of the most fun and exciting ways to keep you motivated is through a weight loss challenge. A challenge motivates us because it has a connotation saying that "I bet you can't do it," and thus we try our best to disprove that. Below are some of the weight loss challenges that you can try to keep you motivated.
When you're competing with other people, especially with family or friends, you can't help but to try hard to come out the best. We are naturally inclined to compete, especially with our siblings and peers. We can turn this natural inclination into a good thing, where everyone wins: everyone loses weight. The problem is that we have to compete with friends or family that need to lose weight as well. If not, then there would be no real competition. There are also public competitions that can be found in weight loss challenge programs on the internet or in health clubs in your area.
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Incentives and rewards
Sure, losing weight and fitting in that sexy dress is enough reward for losing weight. Or is it? Too many temptations around the corner and in our own kitchen are just to powerful to keep us on track; not to mention, the many obstacles such as our TV sets and comfy beds. We need more concrete incentives that will make us really focused, we'll be like a horse with blinders in a horse race.
In the workplace, people are motivated to do their best because of certain incentives and rewards. These incentives could be monetary, a raise, or a promotion. What you need to do is find the one thing you know will motivate you, and make that the reward or incentive for your weight loss challenge. You can get the help of your husband/wife or parents in motivating you to lose weight. Just like kids are motivated to get good grades if they can get something in return, you can also ask your parents to give you rewards for every pound you lose.
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