We are obsessed with our bodies. From childhood we have always looked at ourselves and compared our body to those around us. Today as we look around we see more and more of our coworkers, friends and neighbors putting on excess weight. 31% of all Americans are now overweight. This is one of the fastest growing epidemics in the country today and no one seems to know how to stop it.
Our children are eating more fast food and getting less exercise than ever before. We are raising a whole generation of overweight Americans into our epidemic. As you look in our school yards you will see tons of excess fat.
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Is there a quick weight loss solution to this problem? On television everyday you see ads for the latest "quick weight loss" solution to your problem. Yes many of them work on the short term, but it is usually just that a short term solution. You end up losing weight but then you gain it right back. Why? Sometimes it is because the weight loss is just water loss. This is the easiest weight to lose. It is also the quickest to come back.
Other times you truly lose fat. But if you don't retrain your body you gain it back. What do I mean retrain your body? Let's see....you lost the weight and now you feel and look great. What's next? Ahhh let's reward ourselves with a nice big hot fudge sundae. And let's go out for a hamburger with fries with our boyfriend. Ooops, we are back into the bad habit we were into before the diet. We did not teach ourselves to continue to eat right and maintain that svelte appearance we developed.
Oh yes and we skipped the walk today. That made it easy to start missing more and more of our exercise sessions. Those sessions that burn the calories that make us gain the weight back. Exercise is a must in any weigh loss program and needs to be so in a weight maintenance program. One of the best exercises for us is walking. You can actually lose weight just by walking everyday.
So the question is "Is there a quick weight loss solution?" Not really. One must develop new habits to lose weight and one must maintain habits to keep the weight off. In other words you must retrain your body to keep the weight off. You have to develop good eating habits. You have to develop an exercise program. Once you do this you can begin a new life without the excess baggage you were carrying around before.
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