Motivation can be a big problem for a lot of people. Do you know you need to lose fat, know how great it would feel to succeed, but for some reason don't take the actions to do it? If so, you are not the only one. Motivation can be a tough thing to get past.
In order to get past this, you need to understand how weight loss motivation works.
The first thing that you need to do is stop looking at motivation as something that can be achieved and preserved. It is a common thought that once you "get motivated", you are forever in that state of mind. I assure you, this is not the case at all.
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Fat loss motivation is NOT something to be achieved and preserved.
Fat loss motivation IS an emotion that is just like being happy or sad. There are times when everyone has good days and bad days. Motivation for weight loss is no different. There will be days when you will feel like you want to do something, and days when you won't. Instead of fighting this and coming down on yourself, you should understand that this is perfectly normal. The key is to be aware of this and use it to your advantage, not as an excuse.
Another big factor in weight loss motivation is what your subconscious mind attaches to exercise.
When you hear the word "exercise", how do you feel? Excited? Frustrated? Angry? Anxious?
If the answer to that question was anything negative, I can tell that you have negative mental links to exercise. Maybe it was a specific bad experience in the past, or maybe you have just not been successful with exercise and it has frustrated you. If the word exercise gives you a negative vibe, then you need to get past that. This all ties into weight loss motivation because your subconscious thoughts are what dictates your feelings about exercise.
If you feel like weight loss motivation is a challenge and you have negative mental links to exercise, here are some great tips to help get past that.
1. Workout with a friend with similar goals.
Research studies show that social support is a huge indicator to how well you will adhere to a program. You may noy enjoy working out alone, but what if you were with someone every step of the way who was going through the same thing? Your motivation for weight loss would change dramatically!
2. Workout at home.
If the thought of going to the gym bothers you, don't worry. You can do a great home exercise fat loss routine with just a few pieces of inexpensive equipment. Once you are in great shape, you can go show off at the gym =)
3. Don't be so hard on yourself.
I am a personal trainer. I have spoken with a lot of people on motivation. The one thing that almost all of them have in common is that they are very hard on themselves for not "making" themselves workout. The more critical you are of yourself, the more negativity you bring into your weight loss efforts. Learning to be disciplined but also accepting that exercising for weight loss is not always easy. You can be successful, and you have to believe that you can do it. Motivation for weight loss is something you can achieve!
I hope that you have learned a lot about weight loss motivation in this article. Remember that your motivation for weight loss will have its ups and downs. As long as your stay positive, persistent, and enthusiastic, you can make it work!
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