The amount of weight loss tips available today would fill the Grand Canyon. Everyone seems to have their own weight loss cure that they tell everyone is a certain way to learn how to lose weight fast.
Quick weight loss can, however, be dangerous. If you are losing more than one kilogram a week, then your health may be suffering. Dramatic weight loss is usually a sign of illness or stress.
The best way to lose weight is slowly and steadily through a disciplined campaign of eating healthy food and exercising daily. Too many weight loss programs, however, advocate some sort of drastic action that could be harmful to your long term health and well being..
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What could be called the 'hidden factor' in weight loss is the human mind. There are three parts to our minds - the conscious, the subconscious and the unconscious.
It is the subconscious that stores all of our deeply-held beliefs and accepted truths. If you have an ingrained belief in your subconscious that you love sweet, fatty foods, or that exercise is boring and painful, well, guess what? Whatever you say to yourself consciously, these deep beliefs will always win out and will always determine your overall behaviour.
One way to 're-program' your subconscious mind is to use hypnosis. Professional hypno-therapists make a good living using hypnosis to help people change bad habits such as over eating and smoking, not to mention overcoming stress, building self esteem and learning better concentration.
Individual face-to-face sessions with an hypno-therapist can, hoever, be quite expensive. A budget alternative is to use pre-recorded hypnosis sessions, for weight loss, for example, that you can listen to again and again, in the comfort of your own home.
With such recordings, you can simply load them onto your iPod or other MP3 player and listen at your own convenience. You should be careful, however, because you should never listen to a hypnosis recording while doing anything active like driving or chopping wood. You must ensure that you are in a relaxed and safe environment first.
One intermediate strategy might be to sign up for a couple of live hypnosis sessions first, then use the professional recordings for the rest of your treatment.
Hypnotism is perfectly safe and you can never be 'forced' to do anything against your wishes or moral values. Listening to professionally recorded hypnosis sessions is a very pleasant, relaxing activity, and this has shown solid success in helping people achieve their ideal weight.
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