You're tired of being overweight.
You're sick of the stares and giggles from the "beautiful" people.
You really want to lose weight.
But at what cost?
Are you willing to lose your life for weight loss?
Rimonabant weight loss supplement, is willing to risk your life and doesn't care what the damaging side effects will do to you. Put simply, Rimonabant is a new weight loss drug shown to induce suicide thoughts. There are desperate people who are willing to risk severe side effects to lose weight with Rimonabant because it promises (not guarantees) easy, safe weight loss. I will give you the bad news first, then the good news.
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The Bad News:
- Rimonabant increased the thoughts of suicide and depression symptoms in patients that didn't have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts. The active drug in the central nervous system causes increased thoughts depression and induces thoughts of suicide.
- Rimonabant is not approved by the FDA. The FDA requires the makers of Rimonabant to have more detailed safety information about Rimonabant in larger patient numbers.
- Rimonabant is now approved in Rio North America, but concerns about its toxicity remains strong.
- Rimonabant has only been tested in a few thousand patients. Their side effects won't be the same as yours. You're unique in how your body functions, so the side effects from Rimonabant and the treatments are remain unknown. You can expect anxiety, dizziness, fatigue, nausea, and an upset stomach.
- Prescribed by your medical professional, Rimonabant is dangerous if taken over the dosage recommendation.
- Severe depression induced by Rimonabant is described as frequent; this isn't a one time event.
Proponents may argue the percentage of suicide attempts of Rimonabant; that is, until it's one of their family members or friends who are in that percentage. Those wishing Rimonabant to be a success are trying to push it through the FDA guidelines and regulations. No doubt they wish for world peace, no more natural catastrophes, and more desperate people to risk suicide thoughts in order to lose weight.
Beware! You won't find this product under the name Rimonabant in America, look for the name Acomplia or Zimbulti.
The Good News:
Weight loss can be achieved without thoughts of depression or suicide linked to Rimonabant. Weight loss can be achieved without the adverse psychiatric side effects linked to Rimonabant. Weight loss can be achieved without experiencing nervous system disorders linked to Rimonabant.
Weight loss can be achieved without seizures as linked to Rimonabant.
Achieve your weight loss goals... and skip the side effects.
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