The BioTrainer Weight Loss System makes use of the BioTrainer exercise monitor (a monitoring device that is worn on the waist and measures accurately calories that are burned) as the means to integrate effective dietary and fitness programs for extended weight loss. National Institutes of Health state that proper diet, regular exercise, and monitoring your calories are the three important components of weight control and better health. It wasn't until the BioTrainer Weight Loss System has there been a more accurate method of measuring calories burned in an entire day of activity.
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The BioTrainer is not merely a gadget like a pedometer. It is an easy-to-use personal monitoring device that uses scientifically-proven measuring technology. With the use of a tri-axis accelerometer and a patented super microprocessor, the BioTrainer measures the body's inertia 40 times per second, processes this data, and then calculates expended energy. It also gives you your total elapsed time for a certain activity. This technology has been shown to provide a high level of accuracy for assessing your physical activity.
The BioTrainer Weight Loss System has been the foundation of a number of studies by prestigious institutions like the John Hopkins University Medical School, the Cooper Institute, and the American Psychiatric Association. These researches conclude that immediate feedback from the BioTrainer Weight Loss System helps motivate you to become active more and stay active. Balancing the amount of calories going in and out is very critical in weight loss and control. When the amount of calories burned is combined with calories taken in through the BioTrainer Weight Loss System's monitoring program online, you have at your disposal a very powerful resource for tracking your weight loss progress daily. Consistent monitoring has been proven to dramatically improve your awareness of your health and increases your chances by as much as 30% in succeeding at weight loss.
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